- Forward
- L - Leadership and Shared Governance
- E - Education, Skills, Technology and Human Capital Development
- A - Agriculture, Agro-Processing and Manufacturing
- D - Diaspora and Global Partnerships
- E - Economic Development and Empowerment
- R - Renewal of Values
- S - Sports Development and Youths Entrepreneurship
- H - Health, Social and Women Development
- I - Infrastructure Development
- P - Peace, Security, Law and Order

It is POSSIBLE with my LEADERSHIP pact
Is it possible to have world-class primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions in Ogun State? Can citizens and residents in Ogun State enjoy universal health insurance and access to affordable and high-quality health services? Can we upgrade the quality of human capital, the standard of living and infrastructure in our dear state to that equivalent to those in the developed world? Can we build an economy in Ogun State that creates jobs for our youths and prosperity for our people? Can we be like Johannesburg, Dubai, Houston, Dublin, London, Tokyo, and other global cities? Can all these things happen by 2035, which is just 16 years from 2019? I believe it is possible!
Shared Governance
Leadership and Shared Governance
- A commitment to lead with vision, empathy, commitment, passion, knowledge, fairness, integrity and courage
- Establishment of COMMUNITY PARLIAMENT from ward to state level to involve citizens at the grassroots in advisory decision-making
- Equitable and balanced development across all local governments and governance focused on the poor, disadvantaged and marginalised masses
- Fair and humane welfare, training and service conditions for Workers, Civil Servants, Teachers and Pensioners.
Human Development
Education, Skills, Technology and Human Capital Development
- Access to quality education for all students irrespective of income or social status
- Investment in qualitative educational infrastructure, services, teachers welfare and teaching resources, science and technology, remedial education and technical & vocational skills development
- Institution of needs-based scholarships for poor students and merit-based scholarships for exceptional students
A – Agriculture, Agro-Processing and Manufacturing
- Development of the agriculture to manufacturing value chain across crops, livestock and fisheries; modernisation of agriculture; provision of extension services and support for farming, agro processing and manufacturing and establishment of agricultural estates in all local governments
Global Partnerships
Diaspora and Global Partnerships
- Attracting investments, technological resources and support from our diaspora and global organisations
Economic Development and Empowerment
Economic Development and Empowerment
- Empowerment schemes and financing programmes for women, youths, traders, farmers, artisans and MSMEs
- Construction of industrial estates and parks, modern markets and technology incubation centres in all local governments
- Build a diversified multi-sector economy leveraging oil and gas, power, mining, ICT, agriculture, industry, transportation, hospitality and tourism, retail, real estate and construction sectors.
- Deploy innovative financing strategies to fund infrastructure and development including leveraging private capital, multilateral financing, diaspora investment, domestic and international financial and capital markets, local financial institutions, venture capital and private equity and long term project finance mechanisms
Renewal of Values
- Omoluabi, Ise logun Ise, Otito, Alajobi etc.
Youths Entrepreneurship
Sports Development and Youths Entrepreneurship
- Re-invigoration of sports in schools and other educational institutions and promotion & support for sports academies and professional sports
- Support for youth entrepreneurship in sports, fashion, art and crafts, ICT, media and production and other enterprises
Health, Social and Women Development
Health, Social and Women Development
- Subsidised social health insurance scheme for the poor and elderly and universal health insurance coverage for all citizens
- Massive investment in health and social infrastructure, equipment, services and health sector workers and special focus on preventive, children and women’s health, diagnostics and lifestyle improvements
Infrastructure Development
Infrastructure Development
- Construction of roads, bridges and drainages in all local governments
- Support for hotels and resorts, agriculture and fisheries-based industries, and modern waterways transportation in all our waterside communities in the state
- Development of housing and industrial estates, tourism infrastructure and decentralised or embedded power everywhere in the state
- Develop an integrated and multi-modal transport system including roads, maritime, rail and aviation components for cargo and mass transit.
Peace, Security, Law and Order
Peace, Security, Law and Order
- Development and upgrade of local security arrangements involving communities, traditional institutions, youth groups and state government
- Support for legal and constitutional reform, federalism, state and regional autonomy and devolution of power.
- Zero tolerance for breaches of law and order.
Based on our broad Leadership Pact, our urgent developmental priorities are represented by the acronym DEWSS-V standing for Development, Employment, Well-being, Skills/Competencies, Security and Values. In Yoruba, we describe these developmental priorities as “Iri Itura ati Iwa”.
We must ensure rapid socio-economic development to raise the quality of life and expand economic opportunities for our people.
Our people need jobs, in thousands and hundred of thousands if not millions. We must create the enabling environment for massive job creation and attract investment. We must facilitate and incentivise job creation.
Education, Employment, Food Security, Economic Opportunity, Healthcare and Social Development will all contribute to fostering improved human and social well-being in our society.
Skills and Competences:
We will equip our people with the skills and competencies required to find profitable employment, engage in creative industries, act entrepreneurially and compete in a service knowledge and technological based, agro-allied and industrial economy.
We must ensure security of lives and property, observance of law and order and deal with the social causes of insecurity especially poverty, unemployment, lack of economic opportunity and weak family and social structure.
All our developmental priorities will be underpinned by the renewal of the values of Omoluabi, Ise logun ise, Iwa irele, Ogbon, Alajobi and Otito.